Thursday, March 24, 2011

School's Stance on Abortion

My whole entire life I was taught that no one could tell you what you could or could not do with your life or your body. With this being said I believe that people have the choice to do what they want with their body. No school, church, or the government can tell you differently. There are many topics that are extremely controversial and should not be brought up or discussed in certain places such as schools. One issue that I think a school should not take a stance on is abortion. Women have gained so many rights in the past decade and the woman’s movement has come so far. Yet, we cannot even preserve the right for a woman to decide if she is ready to become a mother or even carry a baby in her own body.

In the past month or so I have seen many articles pertaining to abortion and how Northern Illinois University is making budget cuts on the woman’s resource department. After reading many responses of students I have come to the conclusion that NIU is taking a side when it comes to abortion. Surely we have to make some budget cuts and there is really no right place to make these cuts, but woman sources should not be one of the first cut. Northern Illinois University is a public university which means that our money is going to the school through tax’s and we should get a choice in what we are cutting. Sure NIU doesn’t need to support abortion or say it is ok but they should provide every legal choice a woman has when it comes to her body. I’m not saying abortion is necessarily the moral thing to do but the statistics do speak for themselves. According to the center for bio-life reform 52% of woman who are having abortions are under the age of 25 and 64.4% of woman have never been married. These are the average credentials of a college student. So why would any school take something away that could be useful to some college students.

There is no law in Illinois stating that a woman cannot receive an abortion. So why are people all over threatening to take the choice away? Even if there was a law against it I don’t believe it would stop people. If anything it would make woman go about receiving an abortion in hazards ways. If someone wants something done they will find some way of doing it. So why put people in unsafe situations? Cutting federal funding for Planned Parenthood for abortion will not help anyone. I’m not saying that NIU should be putting all of their funding for Planned Parenthood toward abortion but people need all the resources they can receive. So either  being abortion, condoms, sex education, testing, or just someone to talk to Planned Parenthood deserve the money they are receiving.

So editor, by cutting a program like Planned Parenthood at NIU or anywhere will do more harm than help. The woman’s resource center at NIU does more than provide information on where to get abortions; they provide breast cancer screenings, body image issues, relationship problems, and birth control. Sure, some of the services provided may clash with some people’s beliefs but no one is forcing them to take part in them. It’s there for the people who need the help  and isn’t hurting anyone. So by cutting the budget at NIU, you are not only cutting healthy resources, you are cutting jobs and pushing the woman’s movement back. Woman should be allowed to do what they want with their own body. 

 pro choice not pro abortion

"No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother." Margaret Sanger

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

In a world filled with so many new technologies that try to make an average humans life easier; there are bound to be downfalls. Nicholas Carr is a writer who always used to love getting caught up in books and researching information. Things have changed though. He’s noticed that he loses concentration while reading and finds himself forcing his attention back to the book just after three pages. Carr believes there is one thing to blame; the internet. People are just looking for at most three paragraphs to answer their questions. That’s why the world of web research has taken off. People are now getting lazier and only want their questions answered and that’s it. While I read Nicholas Carr’s essay I couldn’t help but analyze it. There were four things that I did while analyzing. The first is separating the facts and opinions of Nicholas Carr. After that I identified the evidence. Following, i identified the cause and effects. Finally I went on to describe the tone of the essay.

While reading Carr’s article “Is Google Making Us Stupid”, I found many facts and opinions. It is very important in analyzing writing to know the difference between the two. If you do not know the difference you may believe something that shouldn’t be, or even become confused about the topic. I found in Carr’s essay that there was a abundant amount of opinions. Normally I would not consider this a solid read; but the way he did and facts I found very important. Carr’s bottom line opinion was that the internet is making all of us not think as much and just search for a quick answer to everything. The way Nicholas put in examples of other technologies that have changed the way people think and live back up his theory on the internet. One technology that Carr points out that changed the way we lived is the clock. “The clocks methodical ticking helped bring into being the scientific mind and the scientific man. But it also took something away. As the late MIT computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum observed in his 1976 book, Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgment to Calculation, the conception of the world that emerged from the widespread use of timekeeping instruments “remains an impoverished version of the older one, for it rests on a rejection of those direct experiences that formed the basis for, and indeed constituted, the old reality.” In deciding when to eat, to work, to sleep, to rise, we stopped listening to our senses and started obeying the clock” (Carr). By Carr stating this I think he very strongly backs up his opinions. If a clock can change the way we think and live just think about the way the internet has changed us and what it can do as technology advances more. I can distinguish between Carr’s facts and opinions because his facts are all backed up with research, and experiments done by mostly universities and scientists.

The next step in analyzing a article is identifying the evidence and the arguments presented. There were three main arguments that stood out to me as the reader. Carr’s first argument to me was the way every source is now creating shortcuts to make readers more interested. Many magazines and papers are now including summaries in their work. “When, in March of this year, The New York Times decided to devote the second and third pages of every edition to article abstracts, its design director, Tom Bodkin, explained that the “shortcuts”would give readers a quick “taste” of the day’s news”(Carr). With this being said it just points out that the worlds is getting lazy and are relying on shortcuts; so different media’s have to play by the new media rules. Another Argument of Carr’s that stood out to me was “The internet is a machine designed for the efficient and automated collection, transmission, and manipulation of information, and its legions of programmers are intent on finding the “one best method””(Carr). This just points out that the creation of the internet was to create a machine to be that best and supply all the information you could possibly need. The last argument that stood out to me was the way Carr believes that Google and other search engines are trying to replace the human brain. He fears that the internet is one day just completely replace the use for the human intelligence. Why would anyone have to learn anything if there is a source that knows everything and all you have to do to find something is make a couple clicks with your mouse? In Carr’s mind the internet could someday be a scary thing.

Identifying cause and effect is the second to last step in analyzing a reading. Carr’s use of cause and effect was not greatly used. There was really only one main cause and effect that I felt was important. With the invention of the internet; many people have become dependent on it as a source. Not long ago people would have to read a book, interview people or do experiments to find the answers to their questions. With the amount of search engines, like Google people no longer have to spend hours looking for answers. Some like Nicholas Carr may think this is a bad thing. People are no longer enjoying to read and are just speeding through life and not enjoying learning and enriching their brain. This cause and effect is a lot like many other technologies that where invented in the past decades. With new things comes change.

The final step to analyzing is discovering the tone of the paper. I found Carr’s tone mostly serious. He is trying to point out that the internet could be causing more problems than good and something should be done about it. I believe the way he went about using his tone I think really helped strengthen his article. He barely put in any of his emotions; which makes writing sometimes weak. In his opening paragraph he did use a joke to get the reader attention but he went about it the right way and strengthened his work if anything. The use of Carr’s language was also very affective. He used easy, strong words to help the reader understand and believe what he was saying.

With so much change constantly going on in our world it is important for people like, Nicholas Carr to step back and think about what’s happening and if it’s the right thing. Carr is concerned that with the large reliance on the internet, people are not using their brain as much as they should be. People are always just looking for the easy way and that is exactly what the internet is supplying. Sure people are smart and getting smarter but is it because there relying on new sources that just give them the answer and don’t have to work for it? Like every college student I rely on the internet for everything. Anything I don’t know I say “just Google it”. This just points out what Carr is trying to get across. I agree with Carr completely. I used love to open a book and get caught up in it when I was younger. These days I don’t read a book unless I have to for class and even then I might just skim to find the main idea. This article was a great piece that held up many good arguments, opinions and facts, cause and effect, and a great use of tone.